16 Top Instagram Followers Trackers For Creators In 2022

Key takeaways
Instagram is one of the most famous social media platforms in the world. We can upload photos and videos to share with our friends and followers. They can view and comment on our posts. Anyone age thirteen or above can create an account. Mainly Instagram offers three kinds of accounts.
They are personal accounts, creator accounts, and business accounts. Each account has its benefit, limitation, and features.
Personal account
· Can use all the basic features on Instagram.
· Private account.
· Cannot analysis post performance.
Business account
· Public account.
· Allow to promote post and advertisement.
Creator account
· Can control online status.
· Manage your massages.
· Can get idea about your account growth.
Take a look benefit of having more followers on Instagram.
When you have a large number of followers and you post the post frequently, you can attract advertisers. Advertisers want to advertise their products and service among lots of people. Then advertisers might offer some product to sell.
This is one of the best ways to make money through advertising products. Instagram helps you to get famous. You can see how many peoples like your post and their comment. It would be making you happy and getting attraction some time will help you to get opportunities and make a self-confident about you.
For the business Instagram account, it helps to expand the business among the people. And also, you can get more clickers on your website and get more subscribers to your YouTube channel via Instagram.
Advantages of having a Instagram following Trackes
The number of users is most important for the Instagram account. Some celebrities have more than 10 million followers. But it is difficult to maintain that much followers to normal Instagram users. So that Instagram trackers will help the maintain better followers. let's see the features of trackers,
· Can analyze the number of followers gained and lost.
· Can identify who has followed your account and unfollow your account.
· Most popular post and hashtag in your account
· Most popular post and hashtag on Instagram
· Identify new trending.
· Can control comment, and like.
· Can identify ghost and fake followers.
· Some apps provide account analysis with a report.
All these benefits you can gain by having more followers. Let’s look at 16 ways for top Instagram following Trackers.
1.Followers: For Instagram
This app is suitable for iPhone users. It provides different features for users. It provides information about new Instagram followers, which account that unfollowed you, account that doesn't follow you and you don't follow back, peoples who are interesting in you, the ability to unfollow and follow users through the app, and information on accounts. This app has weekly, monthly, six-month, and yearly plans. This app is free for app purchases.
This app is compatible with both iPad and iPhone users. This can be used for social media managing tools as well as Instagram followers trackers. This app can be used for the identify account that you don't follow back and don't follow you back, can track very recent followers and unfollowers, can filters least activated accounts, unfollow using Crowdfire, can search followers accounts, and can search by keywords. This app is a free app and, that offers premium plans available for purchase with one-month or you can select 12-month plans. In a premium account, can link two social media accounts and have various managing tools off by the app.
3. Hootsuite
This app is also a free app, which is compatible with IOS software. This app has multiple features. It can report, collect and analysis of activity on posts on social media, can inform you the best time to post your post, track top-performing employees who run your social media accounts, it also can monitor mentions, comments, and tags on Instagram within the Hootsuite app and Track likes, mentions, and conversations on topics related to your account.
4. Followers and Unfollowers
This app is free in the google play store. It has both paid and free features. It helps to count followers, show users visited on profile, followers. In the paid option, you can analysis of the popularity of videos and photos that have been posted, analysis about followers, a list of fake followers, and a list of followers you have blocked and who have blocked you.
5. Spam Guard
Spam Guard is a smart cleaner for Instagram. It can identify spam accounts from you follow and people you follow. No need to install any app for this. It is a cloud service. When you close your browser, this app can work. This app is a very fast app for cleaning your account. It can add two, three or more accounts to your profile. This app is compatible with your laptop, smartphone, or any other device (mobile-friendly app). Can add an account to the white list and never block via this app and give daily reports on deleted accounts. This app gives three options test, full access, and premium Sampgurd. Test access is free for this app. You can check ghost, non-mutual users, commercial profiles, and inactivate profiles. Fully access you have to pay. It pays for up to 12 months. Price will depend on the number of activities you have done. Premium Sampguard package includes all the services this app gave.
6. Task Ant
This app is a tracker and a social media managing tool. This app is specialized in hashtag analysis. This is available for online purchasing. This app provides a lot of features to users and all of these are available in all plans. This can be used to identify whether your account is effective or not.
7. Followmeter for Instagram
This app is available in the iSO app store and Google play store. This is a free app, and some features are free and some are features have to purchase. Purchase plans are available monthly, six-month, and yearly. This app helps to identify who viewed your story but don't follow you, unfollowers, ghost followers, track followers who don't follow you, and most viewers of your story. Follower, and likes our content most. Help to identify the most popular post in your account and track post engagement overall.
8. Unfollows and ghost followers
This app is available in the google play store, and all the features are free for the users. Can be identified using this app unfollowed your account, follow and unfollow directly using an app, ghost followers, recently unfollows, number of followers and unfollows, and can promote your account using this app.
9. Follower tool for Instagram
This app is available on the Google play store, a free app. It includes social media management features. This app helps to manage multiple accounts at once. Can set a secure password for this app and can Publish and schedule through the follower's tool for Instagram. Can see report things in other accounts. Can send direct messages and publish a comment. Track your followers. Using the app can be directly followed and unfollowed other accounts.
10. Reports + Followers Analytics for Instagram
This app is available in the play store. It also has a free version and a purchase version. These are the features available in the free version. It can analyze accounts, identify followed and unfollowed users, and stats on post-performance. Can analyze engagement on your account and allow you to access engage with followers. Act as a post scheduling and optimization tools. It shows the most active followers on your account and a list of followers who do not follow you back. This will help to identify unusual followers. Additional features you can get by perchasing the premium version.
11. Social scan follower app
This app is available on both the iOS store and iPhones and iPad. It can be a free download and have a premium plan with various features. This app can identify a list of those who unfollowed and followed you, who have hidden their stories from you, ghost followers, and a list of users who have blocked you. Using this app able to identify the account that doesn't follow you back and the account you don't follow back. It can track how are the followers most active, and the most popular posts on your account. Can identify the most popular hashtag and filters, can analyze your story post, report content, and watch other stories anonymously. Give service to add media to favorites list and filter it.
12. Unfollowers for Instagram
This app is available on google play stores. It has a basic set of free features and additional features you can purchase. These are the few feature you can get from the free version. You can identify and track users who followed you but not each other. List of accounts that did follow back, details of your mutual followers can present a report of last week track account that has followed you.
From the purchased app you can analysis of posts, check popular posts, can identify the most engaged users, list of accounts that you didn't follow, and list viewed your profile.
This is one of the best analysis apps. It allows you to track keywords, mentions, hashtags, URLs of your existing and previous posts. you can discover how many times a hashtag was used. The app allows you to see how your performance in content and trending hashtags. Other than that you can use this app to track the performance of a competitive Instagram account. You can track their growth, engagement, and activity data over a given period. This app can use as a key performance indicator.
Price: Starts from $99 a month.
If you are searching for an easy Instagram analysis app that can share the report with your team this is the best option for it. You can show nice visualization data with a detailed report. in the report you can include your followers' growth, measure engagement, and interact generated by your Instagram content can identify top feedback stories. Other than that, using this app you can create social media performance reports to compare other accounts. It has the option of customizing report. This app allowed you to insert your logo, and color them into the report. the report will send your email ID.
Price: Begins from $119 each month.
15. HypeAuditor
Find a ghost or false followers if you want a detailed examination of the quality of your Instagram followers,HyperAuditor will be of use to you. It dives deep into influencer profiles to determine their engagement rate (the percentage of followers who engage with the influencer's posts) and how it compares to similar experts' interaction and engagement. You can even acquire an AQS (Audience Quality Number) that evaluates an influencer's true worth on a scale of 1-100, with a score greater than seventy indicating high value. This software can also be used to assess whether the audience is engaged and loyal.
Price: Basic plan costs $299 per month.
16. Union Matrix
This app provides Instagram account check for free monthly. It can help you to get ideas about hashtag which can use for increase followers and posts which can attract audiance most. This app can show you which time your followers are most active. This app also has a premium package. For that you will need to pay for the subscription.From the premium package you can note important data about your brand, can be able to identify your top fans, and receive their details from the graph. also, you can create a customized report and save it as a PDF.
Price: Starts at $49 per month.
The disadvantage of these tracker apps are, we can find a lot of unauthorized apps that work with the same level of performance. Some apps are requested to break the terms and conditions of Instagram. But the official app doesn't need to do that. All the unauthorized app features are not dangerous. There are free options and purchase options. According to your need, and the features offed by the app, you can select the best option for you. There are many unauthorized following trackers. Before adding it you can search and see reviews to identify the best app.